The North Carolina state-approved Geriatric Aide training program was designed to be a career ladder opportunity for the Nurse Aide I.
The North Carolina state-approved Geriatric Aide training program was established in response to the North Carolina Institute of Medicine (IOM) Long-Term Care Task Force. The task force report titled, A Long-Term Care Plan for North Carolina: Final Report (January 2001), is available through the North Carolina IOM website.
The task force consisted of members of the North Carolina General Assembly and representatives of county commissions, local governments, long-term care providers and industry associations, consumer advocacy groups and businesses, agency directors within DHHS charged with the provision or oversight of long-term care services to older adults or people with disabilities, and educators and researchers.
The North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation (DHSR) partnered with the North Carolina Board of Nursing, the North Carolina Community College System, and others to produce the North Carolina state-approved Geriatric Aide training program.
The North Carolina state-approved Geriatric Aide training program builds upon Nurse Aide I knowledge and includes topics such as dementia and challenging behaviors, mental health issues, and death and dying. Geriatric Aides also learn self-care and ways to manage stress.
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